Your student's attendance Matters! With the cold and wet weather, it can be hard to make it to school. It is important to your student's education that they attend school daily.
From pre-K through high school, poor attendance can negatively affect students socially and emotionally:
They feel out of place
They fall behind in their work
They miss important opportunities that can inspire their future
They have a hard time working with others
They don't see how school is connected to their future success Students who are chronically absent or truant are more likely to have low grades and test scores, and they are less likely to be on track for high school graduation.
We will be awarding classes with the highest percentage of attendance each month as well as perfect attendance at the end of each trimester. We hope that you will work with us to get your child to school each day to ensure their success.
If your child must stay home, call Talala to inform us your child will be absent.